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IGCSE经济学辅导作为经济学专业的基础课程,是非常侧重对于学生经济知识体系的构建,因此掌握一些重要的IGCSE经济知识点对于我们学好IGCSE经济学非常有必要。今天学通国际教育老师为大家介绍Market Economy(市场经济)常见的IGCSE经济辅导知识点。
Market Economy
Definition:This economic system relies on the market forces of demand and supply to allocate resources.Decisions on how resources are to be allocated are usually taken by millions of households and thousands of firms.市场经济就像Adam Smith所说过的“无形的手”,这无形的手就是市场上的需求与供应操纵着价格的上升与下降,例如说,有高需求的商品,多人竞争一个商品,那么就会自然而然推动价格的增长,反之亦然。The private sector decides on the fundamental questions of the 3 basic economic problems.
Advantages of the market system:
·Efficiency:Competition helps to ensure that private individuals and firms pay attention to what consumers want.This helps to stimulate innovation,there by making market economies more responsive and dynamic.
·Freedom of choice:Individuals can choose which goods and services to purchase and which career to pursue,without being restricted by government regulations.
·Competition creates innovation and creativity:If they wanted to survive in the market,firms have to be innovative to create better qualified goods and services to attract the consumers in order to persuade them to buy your goods or else they would lose their profit and could not earn enough revenue to keep running the firm.
·Incentives:The profit motive for firms and the possibility for individuals to earn unlimited wealth creates incentives to work hard.This helps to boost economic growth and living standards in the country.
·Social Hardships:With the absence of government control,the supply of public goods like street light and public toilets could not be provided because of no-profit return.
·Distribution of income inequalities:In the market system,the rich have far more choice and economic freedom.Production is taken place to meet the needs and wants to those who can afford it.
·Wasteful competition:Competitive pressures can mean that firms use up unnecessary resources to gain competitive advantages over their rivals,such as excess packaging and advertising clutter.Consumers might be exploited by marketing tactics such as pester power.The lack of government involvement could also mean that products are less safe for consumers.
是场内激烈的竞争意味着生产者需要制造出更有竞争力的商品,但是在这个制造的过程中会,淘汰很多东西经过筛选才能有成品,所以说在这个过程中会浪费很多资源。例如说广告,商家在推销自己产品过程中会推广代言广告(很多都是不必要的)以求吸引消费者注意力。广告对于儿童尤其有影响力(pester power).
·Environmental issues:There are negative consequences of economic prosperity under the marketsystem,such as resource depletion,pollution and climate change.
以上就是Market Economy(市场经济)常见的IGCSE经济辅导知识点的介绍,想要了解更多IGCSE辅导的信息,可以咨询学通国际教育老师。